Saturday, May 07, 2016

Brexit and EU collapse

The whole hypocrisy of this referendum is that the Tories have never committed to having any serious influence, yet complain it's going in the wrong direction.

In 2009 Cameron started by joining what became the ECR (eurosceptic) group in order to  appease the sceptics in his party and in one step alienated those we want to work with for a better EU.

The result is that not only was any attempt to negotiate the terms of our membership doomed, but also the Brexit case is based on an unrealistic view of our potential position in the EU once we have a PM with the courage to take a lead in Europe.

Without the UK the EU will go on, if not in a direction we would like  and possibly in a way that would worsen our economic relationship in the European market place.

email to BBC Any Answers

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